Wind farm integration ===================== An example of a wind farm offering firm power by estimating the expected wind resource and then using a MPC to jointly optimize control of a small gas turbine and storage. .. code:: python %matplotlib inline import datetime import pandas as pd import matplotlib import numpy as np import cvxpy as cvx from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from dem import * matplotlib.rc("figure", figsize=(16,6)) matplotlib.rc("lines", linewidth=2) Wind resource ------------- Data is from `NREL wind integration dataset `__, site 20182. .. code:: python def read_wind_csv(filename): df = pd.read_csv( filename, skiprows=3, parse_dates=[[0,1,2,3,4]], date_parser=lambda *cols: datetime.datetime(*map(int, cols)), index_col=0) = "time" return df wind = pd.concat([ read_wind_csv("nrel_wind/20182-2011.csv"), read_wind_csv("nrel_wind/20182-2012.csv")]) p_wind = wind["power (MW)"].resample("15min").mean() p_wind["2012-01"].plot() .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_3_1.png Power blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The amount of power offered for sale .. code:: python def interval_of_day(dt): return dt.hour*4 + dt.minute/15 # compute target output p_wind_by_interval = p_wind.groupby(interval_of_day(p_wind.index)).mean() p_wind_mean = pd.Series([p_wind_by_interval[interval_of_day(x)] for x in p_wind.index], index=p_wind.index) p_wind_by_interval.plot() plt.ylim([0,16]) .. parsed-literal:: (0, 16) .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_5_1.png MPC --- Autoregressive model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python from sklearn import linear_model H = 4*6 p_wind_residual = p_wind - p_wind_mean X = np.hstack([p_wind_residual.shift(x).fillna(0).reshape(-1,1) for x in xrange(1,H+1)]) lr = linear_model.RidgeCV(), p_wind_residual) def predict_wind(t, T): r = np.zeros(T) x = X[t,:] for i in xrange(T): tau = t+i r[i] = lr.predict(x.reshape(1,-1)) x = np.hstack((r[i], x[:-1])) return np.maximum(p_wind_mean[t:t+T] + r, 0) t = 4*24*2 T = 4*24 compare = pd.DataFrame(index=p_wind.index) compare["p_wind"] = p_wind compare["p_wind_pred"] = pd.Series(predict_wind(t, T), index=p_wind.index[t:t+T]) compare["p_out"] = p_wind_mean compare["2011-01-02":"2011-01-03"].plot() .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_8_1.png .. code:: python T = 4*24 out = FixedLoad(power=Parameter(T+1), name="Output") wind_gen = Generator(alpha=0, beta=0, power_min=0, power_max=Parameter(T+1), name="Wind") gas_gen = Generator(alpha=0.02, beta=1, power_min=0.01, power_max=1, name="Gas") storage = Storage(discharge_max=1, charge_max=1, energy_max=12*4, energy_init=Parameter(1, value=6*4)) net = Net([wind_gen.terminals[0], gas_gen.terminals[0], storage.terminals[0], out.terminals[0]]) network = Group([wind_gen, gas_gen, storage, out], [net]) network.init_problem(time_horizon=T+1) def predict(t): out.power.value = p_wind_mean[t:t+T+1].as_matrix()/16 wind_gen.power_max.value = np.hstack((p_wind[t], predict_wind(t+1,T)))/16 def execute(t): energy_stored[t] =[0] storage.energy_init.value =[0] N = 4*24*7 energy_stored = np.empty(N) results = run_mpc(network, N, predict, execute) .. parsed-literal:: 100%|██████████| 672/672 [00:29<00:00, 22.65it/s] .. code:: python # plot the results results.plot() # plot energy stored in battery fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(16,3)) ax.plot(energy_stored) ax.set_ylabel("energy stored") .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_10_1.png .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_10_2.png Wind curtailment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current model is not too smart about using all the available wind power, at times it doesn't even charge the battery when there is extra power available... .. code:: python plt.plot(xrange(N), p_wind[:N]/16, label="p_wind_max") plt.plot(-results.power[(wind_gen, 0)], label="p_wind") plt.legend() .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_12_1.png Robust MPC ---------- Probabilistic predictions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python from sklearn import linear_model H = 4*6 p_wind_residual = p_wind - p_wind_mean X = np.hstack([p_wind_residual.shift(x).fillna(0).reshape(-1,1) for x in xrange(1,H+1)]) lr = linear_model.RidgeCV(), p_wind_residual) sigma = np.std(lr.predict(X) - p_wind_residual) def predict_wind_probs(t, T, K): np.random.seed(0) R = np.empty((T,K)) Xp = np.tile(X[t,:], (K,1)) # K x H prediction matrix for i in xrange(T): tau = t+i R[i,:] = lr.predict(Xp) + sigma*np.random.randn(K) Xp = np.hstack((R[i:i+1,:].T, Xp[:,:-1])) return np.minimum(np.maximum(np.tile(p_wind_mean[t:t+T], (K,1)).T + R, 0), 16) # plot an example of predictions at a particular time idx = slice("2011-01-02", "2011-01-03") t = 4*24*2 T = 4*24 K = 10 wind_probs = predict_wind_probs(t, T, K) ax0 = plt.plot(p_wind[idx].index, p_wind[idx]) ax1 = plt.plot(p_wind.index[t:t+T], wind_probs, color="b", alpha=0.3) ax2 = plt.plot(p_wind_mean[idx].index, p_wind_mean[idx]) plt.legend(handles=[ax0[0], ax1[0], ax2[0]], labels=["p_wind", "p_wind_pred", "p_out"]) .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_15_1.png .. code:: python T = 24*4*2 # 48 hours, 15 minute intervals K = 10 # 10 scenarios out = FixedLoad(power=Parameter(T+1,K), name="Output") wind_gen = Generator(alpha=0, beta=0, power_min=0, power_max=Parameter(T+1,K), name="Wind") gas_gen = Generator(alpha=0.02, beta=1, power_min=0.01, power_max=1, name="Gas") storage = Storage(discharge_max=1, charge_max=1, energy_max=12*4, energy_init=Parameter(1, value=6*4)) net = Net([wind_gen.terminals[0], gas_gen.terminals[0], storage.terminals[0], out.terminals[0]]) network = Group([wind_gen, gas_gen, storage, out], [net]) network.init_problem(time_horizon=T+1, num_scenarios=K) def predict(t): out.power.value = np.tile(p_wind_mean[t:t+T+1], (K,1)).T / 16 wind_gen.power_max.value = np.empty((T+1, K)) wind_gen.power_max.value[0,:] = p_wind[t] / 16 wind_gen.power_max.value[1:,:] = predict_wind_probs(t+1,T,K) / 16 def execute(t): energy_stored[t] =[0,0] storage.energy_init.value = energy_stored[t] N = 7*24*4 # 7 days energy_stored = np.empty(N) results = run_mpc(network, N, predict, execute, solver=cvx.MOSEK) .. parsed-literal:: 100%|██████████| 672/672 [1:21:08<00:00, 5.88s/it] .. code:: python # plot the results results.plot() # plot energy stored in battery fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(16,3)) ax.plot(energy_stored) ax.set_ylabel("energy stored") .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_17_1.png .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_17_2.png .. code:: python plt.plot(xrange(N), p_wind[:N]/16, label="p_wind_max") plt.plot(-results.power[(wind_gen, 0)], label="p_wind") plt.legend() .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: windfarm_files/windfarm_18_1.png